6 Signs You’re Smiling Through The Pain (Hidden Depression) — Psych2Go

A key component of depression is feeling significantly sad and down. As such, if you have been smiling often, other people may not have suspected that you may be struggling with depression— and you may not have realized it, either.  Even if you have been smiling and acting cheerful, have you also been feeling exhausted, […]... Continue Reading →

Creativity as lifestyle

Creativity is a skill that will help to explore new opinions and applying them successfully. Knowledge is limited but creativity exist as long as how a person dream about something .Therefore it is meant to be that creativity has no end. "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is... Continue Reading →

Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment, Mom’s hugs put joy in all our days, Mom’s love will stay with us forever and touch our lives in precious ways… The values you’ve taught, the care you’ve given, and the wonderful love you’ve shown, have enriched my life in more ways than I can count. I Love... Continue Reading →

Great opportunity to enhance my graphic designing skills and to engage my skills for community development project.

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